Public Opinion In Today’s Society

While reading public opinion, I reflected on society’s education system and the problems currently facing the Clark County school system. Wanting to become a teacher myself, this past year I have been more engaged in watching the news during different times of the day and different channels. However, one thing constantly remained the same: the school system needs help. Recently there have been various hearings about the teaching curriculum. Parents and school board faculty were advised to attend. One of the main topics of concern was the topic of teaching sex education in middle school gym programs.

How does this relate to me?

My sister is currently an eighth grader in a Clark County middle school and stated previously I want to one day become a teacher.

Many people, parents especially were against teaching this topic to students.

Me? Well, I think it should be taught within the curriculum as well as drug use. My sister’s health class was only  one quarter of the year. ONE QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR (APPROXIMATELY 3 MONTHS) WAS SPENT COVERING HEALTH AND EDUCATION. THE REST OF THE YEAR IS FOR P.E. YEAH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION. I GUESS BEING PHYSICALLY ACTIVE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN LEARNING ABOUT HOW TO SAY NO TO DRUGS AND PEER PRESSURE. But that’s just my *opinion* on the subject.

As I was saying, parents were highly displeased and demanded sexual education to not be taught in middle school, or the parents should sign a waiver indicating their child is allowed to learn about sex ed. Many parents even refused the idea of abstinence be placed in their child’s mind when in school. As of today, it is no longer in the curriculum for the next school year. As stated in the required reading, “public opinion is the thought of society toward a given object”-in this case it’s sex education. Religion, pointed out by the text, was one of the main ways parents countered against the required course curriculum. Many blamed the idea of sex on teachings in school that went against belief systems and different religions. Social motives were discussed in various board meetings and parents and teachers were urged to partake in these discussions, leading to false information being distributed in order to sway others against this form of teaching in Clark County schools. Because of this newly presented information, parents for sex education were moved to be against it, resulting it eliminating it completely from the schoolboard curriculum.

I find this whole thing ridiculous. How can parents not want their children to be prepared to take on the outside world? Why are parents so against letting their children learn what not to do or what to do, should they find themselves trapped in a situation like drug peer pressure or a high school party where alcohol is involved? They will NEVER be sheltered their whole life. IT’S JUST NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!! (unless the child lives in a bubble at home and is home-schooled where the parents can monitor everything he/she does.) And Nevada is one of THE ONLY three states which requires PARENTAL CONSENT to teach children sex-ed?! IRONIC MUCH?! Why require parental consent anyway? Children should know the situation they put themselves into, especially in a “city that never sleeps.”

Public opinion is very powerful, especially when a cause or a situation threatens them. Public opinion is most valuable to use when the audience begins to feel attacked or wonder and question the motives of an event. Education is primarily the source of public opinion because everyone has something to say about it. Education concerns everyone, therefore making it the prime target of public opinion.


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